Monday, March 26, 2007

James "Papa Java" Gosling : The Most Popular Java Figure (beside Duke)

Java is sort of like oxygen in the air--nobody thinks about the oxygen when they're breathing. Although there are special purpose programming in new domains, Java seems to be living pretty long.

'Papa Java during the good old days.'

I've no idea, why I feature him. :) But having the opportunity to meet him during the Sun Tech Days Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. sure I'm not going it to be missed. He's kinda rawk, sitting besides all the fellow dignitaries, ministries... he stay cool with his orange Java T and jeans while other in their blazer-black-tie-bla-bla. Big kudos to you James.

"So in the Sun world, the hard stuff is possible, but the easy stuff is hard. In the Microsoft world, the easy stuff is easy, but the hard stuff is impossible."

"Java Is Under No Serious Threat From PHP, Ruby or C#"

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